Who am I?

I'm a software engineer who has just relocated to Detroit, Michigan. I landed a dream job and now I am learning all I can about Java, Springboot and SSIS. I'm a huge advocate for mob programming and I have been lucky enough to land a job where I get to do that! I am so passionate about being a woman in tech and hope to inspire more girls to find their passion too. This process has been incredible and has shown me the power of always reaching to know more.

What have I done?

Below are a few of the projects I had fun creating. Check them out and view the code on github!

contact page of the OBE Systems website

OBE Systems Inc

OBE Systems was a website I created for a client. My client had certain requests and requirements in which he needed for his site. He previously had a webiste that was built in the 90's, needless to say it was so very outdated! Someone I had the pleasure of working with in my internship connected me with her husband, Mr. Oberman. I used this opportunity to turn it into a project for my team, MPS Devs. We used html, bootstrap and css to revamp the OBE Systems brand. We used the agile process to deliver Mr. Oberman request of simple and user friendly. Here is the sample of his site. This version has a view placeholders, other than this is is what the live site will look like.



Landmarked! is an app that allows the user to discover and share unique and exciting landmarks in their local area. The user is able to follow other landmarkers, search for, rate and save landmarks as well as upload their own discoveries. This was my final project in my bootcamp, Learn Academy. I collaborted with 5 other developers. I helped come up with the concept of the ruby on rails application, write stories and participate in a daily scrum. I personally was responsible for applying devise and ominiath to assist in the user sign up and log in. I also designed the sign up and log in pages. I wrote code to hide the sign up/log in links once the user is already successfully logged in. I also wrote code to allow the user to favorite landmarks and to display the landmarks on their personal profile pages. I wrote many rspec and capybera tests, to ensure stability of the code.

Coastal Culture TM

Coastal Culture is an application my team developed for a client. The client is a music and book critic who writes columns reviewing artists and authors in the local area. The client can upload her reviews and add upcoming events to a calendar. Site visitors can log in and save their favorite upcoming events to a personal calendar. I collaborated with one other developer on this project. Feel free to have a look at the code of this ruby on rails application, here. This website will soon be live! Please check back for the link.

Magic 8 ball

Magic 8 Ball

This project was made to help practice building with HTML, CSS and Javascript. Please click here if you'd like to see the github repository!



This is a take on the classic game, Battleship. For this project we used HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery. This game was about coming up with the right alogorithms to apply to the code.See the code.Wanna play?

The Car Simulator

I made this project to practice using forms and storing information in sessions. This app was made with HTML, CSS and Ruby on Rails. Please view my code on github!

What am I up to now?

I am currently developing an app to help oranize and accomplish all of the daunting tasks of planning a wedding. I found the amount of tasks for my own wedding overwhelming. I decided to create an app that could make planning easier. I'm also learning Xamarin for cross platform development, database testing and all about c#!
I dedicate a few hours weekly to the early stages of my own company, MPS Devs.